The Early Career award is Supported by the Psychonomic Society, Routledge, and the Comparative Cognition Society.
CCS will honor early career (within 10 years of PhD and pre-tenure and within 5 years of first position)
scientists who have made a notable contribution to the study of comparative cognition.
Interested applicants/nominators can download the application form
All applications will be reviewed by the CCS awards committee.
The award winner will be announced before the conference and give a 15-minute talk on their research, introduced by the awards committee chair.
The winner will receive $1,000 USD, and a plaque sponsored by the Comparative Cognition Society.
new extended deadline for applying for this award is
December 20, 2024.
CCS also supports the annual
Research Award and a plethora of
Student Awards.
Past Awardees
2024 — Christopher Krupenye (Johns Hopkins University)
2023 — Muhammad A.J. Qadri (College of the Holy Cross)
2022 — Marisa Hoeschele (Acoustics Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
2021 — Lauren Guillette (University of Alberta)